Snijders is a general editor of the ‘Tijd schrift voor Arbitrage' (Arbitration Review, Deventer) and `Modellen voor de rechtsprak tijk' (Forms for con tracts, transfers and other documents for law practice including arbitration practice, loose-leaf and on-line version, Deventer) and an editor of a.o. the ‘Studiereeks Burgerlijk Recht’ (a Civil Law series), ‘Burgerlijk Proces en Praktijk’ (a series on Civil Procedure) and the `Neder lands Tijd schrift voor Bur gerlijk Recht' (Netherlands Ci vil Law Review, Deventer). He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Belgian ‘ Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht’ (Private Law Review) and of the ‘Jurisprudentie Burgerlijk Procesrecht’ (a case law review on Civil Procedure).
Besides his ordinary administrative and educational university work, Snijders is director of the Leiden Institute of Private Law, chairman of the board of the Institute of Anglo-American Law, member of the Advisory Council of the Institute of European and Comparative Law in Oxford and supervisor of the Leiden-Oxford Staff exchange, respectively a patron of the Leiden Student Associations ‘JFV Grotius’, ‘Mordenate College’, ‘Suum cuique’ and the ‘Stichting Nederlands-Vlaamse pleitcompetitie’. .
Furthermore, Snijders is a.o. the Dutch representative in the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Working Group II on Arbitration and Conciliation), a deputy judge in the Civil Division of the Dis trict Court in The Hague, a depu ty judge in the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal in Arnhem, an arbitra tor (a.o. NAI, ICC, UNCITRAL), president of some working groups for self-regulation of the Dutch Social-Economic Counsel, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Wolters Kluwer Nederland and member of the Board of the Association Achmea.
From 1991 till 2001 Snijders was a member of the Netherlands Judiciary Selection Committee. He was also a co-drafter of the Bar Vocational Course on Civil Procedural Law and a commissionary of the ZilverenKruis Groep.
The publications of Snijders focus on Property Law, Contract Law and Civil Procedure including subjects on the border of Civil Law and Civil Procedure such as Legal Decision Making and Arbitration.
In his spare time Snijders plays the violin or travels (sometimes by bicycle).
Publications In Foreign Languages
Some Comments on Dealing with Default, Enforcement and Insolvency in the Draft Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions, published in Réforme des sûretés moblières / Reforming Secured Transactions, ed. Bénédict Foëx, Luc Thévenoz and Spiros V.Bazinas, Schulthess: Genève/Zurich/Bâle, pp. 113-124
Privacy of Contract, published in Human Rights and Private Law, Privacy as autonomy, ed. Katja S. Ziegler, Hart Publishers, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, pp. 105-116
The Culture of the Netherlands Civil Code, published in Dutch Experience and Re-codification of Civil Law, ed. Wang Weiguo, Beijing 2007, pp. 93-104
The Law of Property, published in Dutch Experience and Re-codification of Civil Law, ed. Wang Weiguo, Beijing 2007, pp. 105-166
Divergencies of Property Law, an Obstacle to the Internal Market?, published in Divergences of Property Law, an Obstacle to the Internal Market?, ed. Ulrich Drobnig, Henk J. Snijders and Erik-Jan Zippro, Sellier European Law Publishers: München 2006, General Introduction, pp. 3-13 (together with the other editors)
Access to Civil Securities and Free Competition in the EU, a Plea for one European Security Right in Movables, published in Divergencies of Property Law, an Obstacle to the Internal Market?, ed. Ulrich Drobnig, Henk J. Snijders and Erik-Jan Zippro, SellierEuropean Law Publishers: München 2006, pp. 153-164
Civil procedure, published in Introduction to Dutch Law, fourth revised edition, ed. Jeroen Chorus, Piet-Hein Gerver and Ewoud Hondius, Kluwer Law International: Alphen aan de Rijn 2006, pp. 241-268
Reconsideration of the Netherlands Arbitration Law, Journal of International Dispute Resolution (IDR) 2004, pp. 51-52
E-commerce Law, National and Transnational Topics and Perspectives, ed. Henk Snijders and Stephen Weatherill, Kluwer Law International, The Hague/London/New York 2003, General Introduction, pp. 1-8 (together with the other editors)
The Moment of Effectiveness of e-mail notices, published in E-commerce Law, National and Transnational Topics and Perspectives, ed. Henk Snijders and Stephen Weatherill, Kluwer Law International, The Hague/London/New York 2003, p. 79-88
Neue Entwicklungen im Recht der persöhnlichen Kreditsicherheiten in Deutschland und in den Niederlanden, Hrsg. U. Drobnig, H.I. Sagel-Grande und H.J. Snijders, European Law Publishers, München 2003, Vorwort und Einführung, S. XI-XIV (zusammenmit den anderen Herausgebern)
Bürgschaft nach dem neuen Niederländischen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch, veröffentlicht in Neue Entwicklungen im Recht der persöhnlichen Kreditsicherheiten in Deutschland und in den Niederlanden, Hrsg. U. Drobnig, H.I. Sagel-Grande und H.J. Snijders, European Law Publishers, München 2003, (S. 77-90)
Kreditsicherheiten an Mobilien: Rechtslage und neue Entwicklungen in den Niederlanden, veröffentlicht in Neue entwicklungen im deutschen und niederländischen Insolvenzrecht sowie
Kreditsicherheiten an Mobilien, Hrsg. U. Drobnig, H.I. Sagel-Grande und H.J. Snijders, Rozenberg Publishers Amsterdam 2001, S. 75-100
Access to Civil Procedure Abroad, ed. Henk J. Snijders, C.H. Beck, München, Kluwer International, Den Haag, London, Boston, Sakkoulas Publishers, Athene, Stämpfli, Bern en Sweet&Maxwell, London 1996, Questionnaire, General Introduction and Comparison, pp. 1-24
Netherlands Civil Procedure, in Access to Civil Procedure Abroad, ed. Henk J. Snijders, C.H. Beck, München, Kluwer International, Den Haag, London, Boston, Sakkoulas Publishers, Athene, Stämpfli, Bern en Sweet&Maxwell, London 1996, pp. 239-276
paper: Economization of Property Law, lecture on the occasion of the Confe rence on Economization of Law, Leiden, Nether lands, Leiden, 15 April 1994, pp. 1-7
Il Diritto Processuale Civile Olandese, published in La Giustizia Civile nei Paesi Comunitari, a cura di Elio Fazzalari, CEDAM, Padova 1994, pp. 321-355
Nether lands Arbitration Law, together with A.J. van den Berg and R. van Delden, Kluwer Law & Taxation, Deven ter-Boston 1993
Independence and responsability of judges and lawyers , published in Role and organization of judges and lawyers in contemporary societies, Netherlands national reports to the Ninth World Conference on Procedural Law, Interna tional Associ ation for Procedural Law, Lissabon/Coïmbra 1991, ed. H.J. Snijders and M. Ynzonides, Kluwer Law and Taxation, Deventer-Antwerpen-Boston 1992, pp. 31-64
A Holland polgári eljáráslog dióhéjban (Netherlands civil procedure in a nutshell with some trips outside), Magyar Jog 1991, pp. 59-62
Some reflections on maintaining human rights by judicial application of international conventions in countries without a constitutional court tradition, including some supranational consequences, published in Judicial Protection of human rights at the national and international level, Volume II, MP AG Milaan 1991, pp. 769-772
Managing overload in appellate courts (including supreme jurisdiction), report of discussion, published in "The Eight World Conference on Procedural Law, Justice and Effi ciency, General reports and discussion, Kluwer, Deventer 1989, pp. 135-145 (in cooperation with J.A. Jolowicz, R.W. Holzhauer and A.M.C.D. de Mare-Frö berg)
Entry to legal profession(s) in the Netherlands', published in Legal Education:2000, Aldershot-Brookfield USA-HongKong-Singapore-Sydney 1988, pp. 201-213
Extinctive Prescription, On the Limitation of Actions, Reports to the XIVth Congress International Aca demy of Comparative Law Athens (Vouliagmeni), Greece, 31 July - 7 August 1994, ed. Ewoud H. Hondius, Kluwer Law International, The Hague, London, Boston, 1995, Netherlands, pp. 249-258
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